Alibaba Object Storage Service(OSS)

Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service (OSS) is a storage service that enables to store, back up, and archive any amount of data in the cloud. OSS is a highly flexible solution that can store up to 50PB of files in a single container (known as a bucket). It uses RESTful APIs and is designed for 11 nines of durability (with three replicas across three different zones) and 4 nines of availability (99.99%). Using OSS, you can store and retrieve any type of data at any time, from anywhere on the web. Individual objects uploaded to OSS can be up to and impressive 48.8TB per object when uploaded through a multi-part upload.

The hierarchy of OSS is the following OSS / Bucket / Directory / Dir2 / Object. You can have all of the objects stored in the root of the bucket, or you can create multiple directories to facilitate a hierarchy.

Activating the OSS

OSS supports various types of storage:


High-performance, highly reliable and highly available OSS instances
Features: Applicable to service scenarios characterized by high throughputs, hot files, and frequent access
Persistence: 99.999999999%
Minimum storage period: None.
Application scenarios: Mobile applications, large websites, picture sharing, popular audio and video

Infrequent Access

OSS instances characterized by relatively low storage costs and real time access
Features: Applicable to service scenarios that support real time, infrequent data access
Persistence: 99.999999999%
Minimum storage period: 30 days
Application scenarios: Mobile devices, backup of applications and enterprise data, monitoring data, online storage applications


OSS instances that support long-term archive data storage at the lowest unit price
Features: Applicable to service scenarios that are subject to data recovery wait time and have requirements on data storage period
Persistence: 99.999999999%
Minimum storage period: 60 days
Application scenarios: Long-term archive data storage, medical imaging, video materials

Creating the bucket under OSS


For more on OSS, see this.