This useful tool for Mx records,DNS records and More Lookup All of your MX record, DNS, blacklist and SMTP diagnostics in one integrated tool.  Input a domain name or IP Address or Host Name.Links in the results will guide you to other relevant tools and information.  And you’ll

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Install the DHCP server role

  1.       Sign in to SERVR as nkcode\Administrator with the password xxxxxx. 2.       On the Taskbar, click the Server Manager icon, then in Server Manager, click Add roles and features. 3.       In the Add Roles and Features Wizard, click Next. 4.       On

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Installing Windows Server 2012

  (Insert The Bootable DVD): Choose installation language, currency format, time format, and keyboard input method. Click Install now or choose to repair your computer. Select the operating system you want to install. Review and accept the license terms. Select the installation

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Creating New User In PowerShell Command

The Windows PowerShell commands needed to create the new user Kugan Tech in the preceding example were as follows: New-ADUser -DisplayName:”Kugan Tech” -GivenName:”Kugan” -Name:”Kugan Tech” -Path:”OU=IT Users OU,OU=IT OU,DC=nkcode,DC=com” -SamAccountName:”Kugan” -Server:”” -Surname:”Tech” -Type:”user” Set-ADAccountPassword -Identity:”CN=Kugan Tech,OU=IT Users OU, OU=IT OU,DC=nkcode,DC=com” -NewPassword:”System.Security.SecureString”

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How To Completely Uninstall All Built-in Windows 8 Apps ?

Step 1: Open elevated PowerShell. To do this, first switch to the Start screen, start typing  PowerShell and then press Ctrl + Shift + Enter hotkey to open Windows PowerShell as administrator. Step 2: In the elevated PowerShell, type the following command to

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IIS 8 on Windows Server 2012

COMPATIBILITY VERSION NOTES IIS 8.0 IIS 8.0 is only available in Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8. IIS 7.5 IIS 7.0 OVERVIEW Server Manager in Windows Server 2012 is new and accordingly, the user experience has changed as well. This step-by-step instruction

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Windows 8 Shortcut Keys

You can use the following shortcut keys in the Windows 8 Startscreen. Shortcut Description Windows Key Window Toggle between the Start screen and the last-opened Windows Store app or the desktop. Window+1, Window+2, etc. Switch to the desktop and launch the “nth” application in the

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Free ebook: Introducing Windows Server 2012

Table of Contents Chapter 1 The business need for Windows Server 2012 The rationale behind cloud computing Making the transition Technical requirements for successful cloud computing Four ways Windows Server 2012 delivers value for cloud computing Foundation for building your private cloud

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Adding the Active Directory Domain Services Role

From the Dashboard click on “Add roles and features”.  You will be presented with the “Before you begin screen.  Click Next.  In the “Installation Type” screen click on “Role-base or feature-based installation”. Click Next You will be presented with the following screen

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Installing Windows Server 2012

The first step is to boot up from the CD or ISO image and select your language settings. Select your Language and input options and then click on Next. Click Install Now Select the operating system you want to install.  I have

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