Azure Spot Virtual Machines

Microsoft Azure introduce Spot VMs in Azure “Lower Priority VM’s” Called as Spot VM. the Spot VM advantage is to take unused capacity at a significant cost saving. Anytime Azure needs the capacity for azure infrastructure will be taken back (evict) the Spot VMs.

The Spot VM good for large batch processing jobs in dev/test environments, most recommended for the test environment.

The Limitations of Spot VM

The following VM sizes are not supported for Spot VMs:

  • B-series
  • Promo versions of any size (like Dv2, NV, NC, H promo sizes)
  • Spot VMs can’t currently use ephemeral OS disks.
  • Spot VMs can be deployed to any region, except Microsoft Azure China 21Vianet.


The price of Spot VMs are variable based on the region and SKU for Windows and Linux

Windows & Linux Price More Details: &

The Spot VMs allocate from Azure based on capacity available. For these VMs Azure doesn’t provide SLA and no high availability guaranty. Any time Azure infrastructure will evict the spot VMs with 30 seconds notice.

Spot VMs like Linux VMs come with 80% discount while the Windows VMs come with 60% discount.