Introduction Alibaba Cloud Certification Associate (ACA – Alibaba Cloud Certification Associate) is a certification designed for personnel who can use Alibaba Cloud Computing products. It covers all of Alibaba Cloud’s core products from computing, storage, networking to security.
Ali Cloud has own cloud server migration tool call (SMC) to allows performing online migration. This article we are going to use how we can use the disk2vhd (P2V) and lift & shift method. In the current test environment, we use windows
The Alibaba Cloud status page is a global view of the health of all Ali Cloud services in all regions. It’s a quick reference for incidents with widespread impact. Service Health keeps you informed about the health of your environment. Click Below Link to Check.
Alibaba Cloud ZStack is a hybrid solution that works servers on the edge and easy to deploy managed the on-premises and Alibaba Cloud resources. In traditional private cloud solutions are very costly for deployment but in the Alibaba Cloud ZStack is more
Alibaba Cloud Security offers Server Guard (Server Security) that acts as a server security O&M manager. The lightweight Agent plug-in installed on a server and rules of the on-cloud protection center, this product provides real-time awareness of and defence against intrusion events,
You can use Alibaba Cloud to host websites comprised of static or rarely changing content (including client-side scripts such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript). Host your static website – Use Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service (OSS) to host your static website. You will
VPN Gateway VPN Gateway is an Internet-based service that securely and reliably connects enterprise data centers, office networks, and Internet terminals to Alibaba Cloud VPCs through encrypted channels. VPN Gateway supports both IPsec-VPN connection and SSL-VPN connection. Note Alibaba Cloud VPN Gateway provides
CloudMonitor collects monitor metrics of Alibaba Cloud resources and custom metrics. This service can be used to detect the availability of your service and allows you to set alarms on specific metrics. CloudMonitor enables you to view and fully understand the usage
Alibaba Cloud Resource Access Management (RAM) is an identity and access control service which enables you to centrally manage your users (including employees, systems or applications) and securely control their access to your resources through permission levels. RAM thereby allows you to