Creating ECS instance in Ali

Instances are the core components of ECS and embody the computing capability of ECS. how to create a Pay-As-You-Go, Pay-By-Traffic entry-level ECS instance on the ECS console. For more information, see Create an instance by using the wizard. You can also call the RunInstances action to create an instance.


  1. Log on to the ECS console.
  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Instances & Images > Instances.
  3. On the Instances page, click Create Instance to enter the Custom Launch purchase page.
  4. Follow these steps to finish Basic Configurations.
    a. Select a billing method. In this example, Pay-As-You-Go is selected.
    b. Select a region, such as Singapore. The system randomly allocates a zone by default.
    Note After an instance is created, you cannot change its region or zone.
    c. Select an instance type and specify the quantity of instances.
    The available instance type of family is determined by the region you selected. In this example, choose All Generations> x86-Architecture > Entry-Level (Shared) > Compact Type xn4.
    d. Select an image. In this example, a CentOS 7.6 public image is selected.
    e. Select a storage space. In this example, only a system disk is used, and a 40 GiB Ultra Cloud Disk is selected by default.
  5. Click Next: Networking to finish the networking and security group configuration.
    a. Select VPC as the network type. In this example, the default VPC and VSwitch are used.
    b. Set the network billing method.
    In this example, Assign public IP and Pay-By-Traffic are selected.
    c. Select a security group. You can use the default security group if you do not create one.
    d. Add an Elastic Network Interface (ENI). Skip this step if the selected instance type does not support ENI.
  6. Click Next: System Configurations.
    Set parameters as needed. We recommend that you set Logon Credentials and Instance Name. In this example, Password is selected for Logon Credentials and the instance name is set to ecs-01.
  7. Click Next: Grouping. You can set the options as needed. In the case of multiple instances, we recommend that you add labels for ease of instance management.
  8. Click Next: Preview. Confirm the selected configuration. You can also click the edit icon to modify the configurations.
  9. Read and confirm Terms of Service, and then click Create Instance.