Find VMs with unwanted devices in VMWare


As an administrator for a vSphere environment, you may come across situations where you have a lot of  VMs configured with unnecessary hardware like a USB device, a Floppy disk or a serial device.

The presence of such devices can impact the efficiency of DRS leading to the imbalanced cluster. In a large-scale environment, it can be difficult to find and fix such VMs. The code below provides an ability to create a CSV report for the device specified ($hwtype)


Start-Transcript -Append -Path “$env:USERPROFILE\Documents\usbfinder.log”

$vCenterIP = Read-Host “Enter vCenter IP or Name where the operation needs to be executed”

Connect-VIServer $vCenterIP

echo “VM Name,HW Label,HW Summary” | out-file “$env:USERPROFILE\Documents\VMsWithUsb.csv”

$VMs = Get-VM

#update this variable to change the type of hardware “floppy” or “serial” or “usb”

$hwtype = “usb”

foreach ($VM in $vms)


$VMname = $VM.Name

$hardware=(Get-VM $VMname | Get-View).Config.Hardware.Device | Select -Expand DeviceInfo | Select Label, Summary | where {$_.Label –match $hwtype}

$Lable = $hardware.Label

$Summary = $hardware.Summary

if ($Lable -and $Summary){

echo “$VMname,$Lable,$Summary” | out-file -Append “$env:USERPROFILE\Documents\VMsWithUsb.csv”



Disconnect-VIServer -Server $vCenterIP -Confirm:$false
