Installing Windows Server 2019

Insert Windows Server install media and start the Computer, Then, Following screen is displayed, Proceed next to click [Next] button.

Click [Install Now] to start installation.

Select the edition of Windows server you’d like to install.
On this example, procced with [Datacenter with Graphical ***] version.

Read License Terms Well and check a box [I acceppt ***] to proceed next.

For newly installation of Windows server, select [Custom: Install Windows only].

Select a partition to install Windows Server.

Installation of Windows Server starts. During installation, computer restarts automatically.

After restarting computer, following screen is shown, then Set Administrator password.

Ctrl + Alt + Del key to sign-in.

Input the Administrator password to sign-in.

logon to Windows Server. For initial logon, setting confirmation of Networks is displayed like follows, Select Yes or No.

This is the Desktop on Windows Server 2019. Installation of Windows Server completes.