Kusto Detective Agency 2022 – Onboarding

Welcome to the Kusto Detective Agency 🕵

Welcome to the Kusto detective agency rookie! If you have already joined us before, click here to log in.

Your first task is to create a free Kusto cluster which will be your primary investigation tool. Then you’ll have to answer a simple question to get started.
To create a free Kusto cluster, you need either a Microsoft account (MSA) or an Azure Active Directory (AAD) identity. Create your cluster here: https://aka.ms/kustofree
Copy the Cluster URI, as highlighted in the following image:

This amazing challenge is at : https://detective.kusto.io

Create Your Free Cluster!

The first step is creating the DataBase for free!

This three simple steps:

  1. Browsing to https://aka.ms/kustofree
  2. Logging in with Microsoft Account
  3. Creating the cluster in less than 5 seconds!

Now that we have our first Kusto Cluster, let’s take the snippet shared with us:

.execute database script <|
// Create table for the data
.create-merge table Onboarding(Score:long)
// Import data
.ingest into table Onboarding ('https://kustodetectiveagency.blob.core.windows.net/onboarding/onboarding.csv.gz') with (ignoreFirstRecord=true) let's run in the Query blade: 

After running it once, we have data and are ready to answer the pressing question:

What is the sum of the Score column?

Run below query:

// Onboarding summarize sum
| summarize sum(Score)