Migrate On-Premise Server to Alibaba Cloud (Lift & Shift)

Ali Cloud has own cloud server migration tool call (SMC) to allows performing online migration. This article we are going to use how we can use the disk2vhd (P2V) and lift & shift method. In the current test environment, we use windows 2003 server migrate to Ali cloud.

Ali Cloud Server Migration Center (SMC)

Note The Cloud Migration tool has been upgraded to Server Migration Center (SMC) to provide better cloud migration experience. see SMC documentation


The following figure shows how to migrate process a source server.

Applicable operating systems for Migration

The disk2vhd tool supports physical servers, VMs, or cloud hosts that run the following 32-bit or 64-bit operating systems.

·         Windows Server 2003

·         Windows Server 2008

·         Windows Server 2012

·         Windows Server 2016


I am using a virtual server for the lab.

Open the downloaded disk2vhd converter and start to convert the VM or Physical Server.

I am user Windows Server 2003 Std 32bit.


The Current Folder and Files in On-Promise VM


Login to Ali Cloud Console – Goto Object Storage Services (OSS)

Create the Bucket and configure ACL

Upload the converted VHD (VM Source) file into the bucket.

Import the image from OSS to ECS Image portal

Goto – ECS Instance – Images – Import Images – Manual Import.

ECS needs permission to access the uploaded file from bucket for enable the Cloud Resource Access Authorization.

Permission Grants under – RAM/Grants

Goto – ECS Instance – Images – Import Images – Manual Import.

Import Image fill the below information

  • OSS Object Address: Uploaded URL
  • Image Name: VHD Disk Name
  • Operating System: Windows / Linux
  • System Disk Size (GB): Start 20 GB Minimum
  • System Architecture:i386/x86_64
  • Image Format: VHD
  • Licenses Type: BYOL

Once Image added to Images Console

Goto – ECS Instance – Create Instance

Creating the Instance – Select Image – Custome Image – Dropdown list – Shows Uploaded Image name

For Windows 2003 need to tick the agreement for image service – OK

Complete the ECS instance Create.

After Instance creates successfully – ECS Console- Instance Running.

Access to the Instance using Public IP RDP all the folder and files are available same like on-premise.


SUcessfully Completed Migration.