Alibaba Cloud ECS Digital

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ECS Reserved Instances

Introduce our new Reserved Instances (RI), a cost-effective and flexible purchasing option designed to help you build more at a lower cost. A Reserved Instance (RI) is a discounted coupon that enables you to reserve pay-as-you-go (PAYG) Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances

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What is Azure Firewall

Azure Firewall its core it’s a managed, network security service that protects your Azure Virtual Network resources. It functions as a stateful firewall-as-a-service and offers built-in high availability and scalability. can centrally control, enforce and log all of your network traffic. It

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Alibaba glossary and service definitions

AccessKey An AccessKey (AK) indicates an AccessKeyId and AccessKeySecret pair used in access identity verification. The OSS verifies the identity of a request sender by using the AccessKeyId/AccessKeySecret symmetric encryption method. The AccessKeyId identifies a user. With the AccessKeySecret, a user can

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Azure — Lock Azure resources to prevent accidental deletion of resource groups

Preventing Azure Resource Deletion or Unexpected Changes using Locks Resource Manager Locks provide a way for administrators to lock down Azure resources to prevent deletion or changing of a resource. These locks sit outside of the Role-Based Access Controls (RBAC) hierarchy and,

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Alibaba Auto Scaling

Introduction Auto-scaling on Alibaba Cloud is the notion of automatically provisioning and de-provisioning extra ECS instances to optimise for performance and running costs. When you experience a peak in demand and trigger a scaling task either based on a schedule or a

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Export a list of all your Windows Server Systems in an AD Environment using Powershell

a quick way of exporting an inventory of all the Windows Servers that reside within an AD environment. PowerShell to the rescue! Requirements for using PowerShell AD Module related cmdlets: Windows 7 and onward with RSAT Tools Installed Windows Server 2008 R2

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Export Azure IaaS VM properties, including NIC IP address to CSV using PowerShell

The Script below provided to export the Azure IaaS VM properties, including NIC IP address to CSV format using Powershell. To explain this PowerShell script, it promptly works as follows: viewing the script in most Windows Powershell IDEs # CORE # This

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Security Groups

What is a security group? Security groups are logically isolated groups of instances that are located within the same region and share the same security requirements while also being mutually accessible. They act as virtual firewalls that provide Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI),

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Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps provides development collaboration tools including high-performance pipelines, free private Git repositories, configurable Kanban boards, and extensive automated and continuous testing capabilities. You can access these tools through our cloud service, Azure DevOps Services, or on-premises platform, Azure DevOps Server (previously

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