The New Microsoft Kaizala, An Office 365 App For Firstline Workers

Microsoft Kaizala makes it easy to connect and coordinate with your Firstline workers – wherever they are – using a simple-to-use chat interface. Efficiently manage work or collect data from individuals or large groups, even if they’re not in your organization. Firstline workers are those employees who are crucial to the success of a business mobility employees don’t work at a desk.  View built-in reports getting insights for faster decision making.

Kaizala is available with Office 365 and works on iPhone and Android phone. It has the ability to work on low bandwidth is hugely beneficial to firstline workers who may be working in a rural area where high-speed internet service is not unavailable.


If Organization has Exciting Office 365 Subscription can enable Kaizala, Kaizala offers large group capabilities to those both Internal and external of your organization Group. You can also share files, such as photos and documents easily.

Furthermore, workers can create surveys, forms and quizzes. And broad, company or department-wide announcements can be made using Kaizala.

Kaizala Offering two version with organizations is that the basic version is free. Those already on Office 365 can simply add it as a tile to their array of tools. Other one Kaizala Pro.

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